Miss Claude O'Bannon left last Saturday for Marionville where she has accepted a position as instuctor of music in the Marionville college.
J. W. Hoover, a prominent farmer was adjudged insane last Saturday and was taken to the Nevada Asylum where it is hoped he will soon recover.
Hon. O. H. Scott will address the McKinley Club at Conway next Saturday night. Mr. Scott is one of the ablest speakers in Southwest Missouri.
Tuesday evening at eight o'clock, the marriage of Mr. Thos. M. Harding, of St. Louis, to Miss Effie V. O'Bannon, of this city, occured at the residence of the bride's parents, corner of Franklin and Walnut Sts. A large concourse of friends assembled to witness the nuptials. The ceremony was preformed [sic] by Eld. F. M. Hooten, of Bolivar. The groom was attended by Mr. E. L. Pendleton, as groomsman; the bride by her sister, Miss Minnie O'Bannon, as bridesmaid. The bride was attired in a beautiful costume of pure white silk, trimmed in ribbon and lace while she carried a large boquet of bride's roses and ferns. The bridesmaid wore pink silk trimed in ribbon of the same shade and carried a boquet of ferns and carnations. The bridal party stood beneath a beautiful decorated arch, pot-plant grouped together, forming a back ground [sic]. After the ceremony, which was beautiful and impressive, friends and relatives wished them the joy and prosperity they so richly deserve.
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